Thursday, October 3, 2013

autobiography/mission statement


                       Auto Biography             

Hello, my name is Meridian. There is nothing more in my life that I love to do more than take photos. One day I hope to become a professional photographer and to create my own professional business. One of my goals is to go to collage for photography.

I am a high school student at the moment living in South Carolina. I just started the 9th grade this year and I was very happy when I found out I had photography class. Before I got a camera I used to take photos on my phone all the time. I got so into it I had at least 7,000 photos on my phone and it was taking up WAY too much space so I got a camera and deleted my photos.

I love photography, when I take my photos I feel like that's what I am made to do and I love it. when I take photos its like there's peace in the world and my photos each have a reason I take them. I was assigned to make this blog so everyone could see my photos. mostly I love to take pictures of landscapes and peoples faces and my face (selfies). I first discovered that I thought I was wonderful at photography on march 15,2013 when I went to the zoo with my family. when me and my family walked into the Columbia zoo through the botanical gardens I saw a fountain and I just thought right then and there I wanted to take a picture of it and when I did I knew it was the best picture I have ever took. I took 347 pictures at the zoo that day. I later on got very sick

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